While I’m skimming through these fiction love pieces, I find myself having one of three reactions: an eye rolls, a nod in agreement, or a full-blown psychotic meltdown, but there had never been one article in particular that I related to 100% until I stumbled across that one, glimmering beacon of hope that would help me pinpoint the chaos in my dating life: “You Are Undateable.” We should start a Facebook group, honestly. And also because reading these makes me feel like I’m not the only loveless, sorry excuse for a powerful, independent female out there. Mostly because I don’t have a damn clue, personally. For someone who has been single for nearly three years, and also as a writer, I find some comfort in reading other people’s opinions and feelings on what it takes to be in a successful relationship these days. Ten times out of ten, I am not reading your short novel on what side of the political shit storm you’re on, Carol, but if you post a nice little thought piece on romanticism, I’m in. I’m as guilty as OJ on caving to the click bait that’s on my newsfeed as well. You read them all the time, “10 Things You Need To Realize In Your 20s Before You Get Married,” or “Be Single Until You Find Someone Who Treats You Like This,” and a million other (bullshit) open letters as to why you are single.